I woke up. Was it all a dream?

I woke up. Was it all a dream?
"The mindless absence of logic in the story of John Lennon's murder, drew me deeper and deeper, until I could no longer escape. I began to cry often and deeply at the loss of Lennon and sometimes would be left shaking over what I had discovered.“
I was guided by the sound of his voice and the hand of his spirit. I traveled alone along his path, day and night. My psychic mountain seemed insurmountable. I believe in spirits. I believe that I was touched by the spirit of John Lennon. The occurrence was not unusual for me. The result was a life changing revelation.
John Lennon's fate was decided on a remote mountain road between Ras El Metn and Shemlan, Lebanon.
Britain operated the Middle East Centre for Arabic Studies, in Shemlan. It gained the reputation as a "Spy School” because its graduates worked for intelligence agencies like the British MI6, and the American CIA.
On November 16, 1973 John Lennon released his "Mind Games" album. Hidden in the lyrics, was a message about British expat Alan Watts, who died unexpectedly the same day. Watts' body was burned on a nearby beach. No autopsy was ever performed.
John Lennon was gunned down on December 8, 1980 by Mark David Chapman, an alleged fanatic fan of the singer, in New York, who shot Lennon in the back four times.
The fact that Lennon was a harsh critic of the Vietnam War, which resulted in a lengthy attempt by Richard Nixon’s administration to deport him from the United States, made some people raise the question whether he was actually eliminated by the U.S. government.
“John fell down in front of me and the question I repeated over and over again at that time was ‘who killed him?’” Lennon’s wife Yoko Ono, remembers her late husband in an interview with JoongAng Ilbo, the Korean newspaper.
“The only thing in my mind was: Who is behind John’s death?" Ono said in the report on Saturday.
On December 8, 1980, one hundred million or more people were fed the news of John Lennon’s murder, on television. It relieved them of whatever sensitivity they may have guarded, about the spirit and soul of a “more popular than Jesus” figure, that was John Lennon.
In that moment, as America and the world experienced the news, television was the great galvanizer, tranquilizer, hypnotizer, pacifier, stupefier, paralyzer, agitator, commentator, activator, adjudicator, and erupter. It provided a panorama of American social and political epiphanies.
The murder of John Lennon was thus reduced to coverage, and its objectivity transformed into an evangelical about a crazed lone killer Mark David Chapman – the official story. The only thing that TV brings to us with immediacy, is its own questionable code of ethics.
I was hooked on the tragic idea that this musician, a “Peace-nik,” was gunned down in such an unthinkable manner and we still really knew nothing about the details of the case. I pledged that I would make an effort to find out why and began to reverse engineer the TV experience of Lennon’s fatality.
What perplexed me most was my own lack of understanding of events, so one-sided. Lennon’s killer had never gone to trial. Therefore, the only impression I had was from main-stream media. It was very limited. I set out to create a “mind map” of events that stepped back from the scene to obtain a higher level view. To begin with, searching on the Internet, I was staying up later and later, until soon I would be up all night.
After a month of almost no sleep, I learned that Sean Lennon was in town for a show at Lee’s Palace, a cozy downtown venue that had access to the stage from a raised mezzanine bar area. In a moment, I was in my car driving wildly to meet Sean. The entire time Sean was on stage, I screamed across the two or three feet that separated us, trying to get his attention. Sean’s music was cutting, upbeat, and loud, and he moved decisively away from me towards centre stage every time I started to put a sentence together, usually starting with “Hey Sean, it’s about your dad!” Not an effective way to make a good first impression. With all my well intentioned enthusiasm, I was stalking, quite impolitely accosting, the very talented and utterly disinterested son of my iconic hero. My apologies to you Sean.
For the next ten years, I delved into the time surrounding the life and death of John Lennon with a passion, unlike anything I had ever done before. I don’t entirely understand why, some enormous curiosity as a fan, some psychic disposition, perhaps a sense of injustice, trying to catch the essential wave of Lennon’s spirit. Inspired by Oscar Handlin’s book “Truth in History”, I read exhaustively music and film biographies, magazine articles, Internet sites, and record album notes. I also conducted interviews with pop stars and rock journalists, like Ronnie Hawkins, Bob Gruen, and Ritchie Yorke, people who knew John Lennon, and lived with him.
In following Handlin, Professor Emeritus from Harvard University and one of America’s most respected historians and educators, I used more than traditional tools. I must surely have been guided by the spiritual presence of John Lennon and often, would hear his uniquely forceful voice, Liverpudlian accent and all, engaging me onwards. Sometimes, I would just feel his pain.
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New book from PEPPER CHOMSKY; the world's leading authority on the history leading up to, and the time surrounding John Lennon's murder. With over ten years of research and interviews he uncovers never before published insights and evidence, that may answer the question:
"Was it a planned assassination?"
"An incredibly talented and brilliant man, whose work actually changed the map of your brain. Let me put it that way." - Yoko Ono (Billboard/ ABC News)
Alan Watts was a British ex-pat living on a secluded houseboat in Sausalito, California. He was a self-professed Zen guru who created the 1960's counterculture revolution in the USA. Along with Timothy Leary and others, he was responsible for promoting the mantra "Turn on, Tune in, and Drop out" supporting wide-spread withdrawal from society, in general, and the Vietnam War, in particular. His role as a subversive mole, a deep cover agent, in American society was virtually unknown, until he was exposed by John Lennon‘s “Mind Games” album.
Where was John Lennon on November 16, 1973?
A. Los Angeles
B. San Francisco
C. I don't know
Beginning in the summer of 1973 and lasting through early 1975, Lennon’s “Lost Weekend” marks the period of separation between himself and Yoko Ono. Four years into their marriage the cracks were beginning to show and Lennon moved out, embarking on an affair with the couple’s assistant.
Rohatsu, in Japanese, literally means the eighth day of the twelfth month. It is December 8, in our solar calendar. For Buddhists, it commemorates the day the Buddha awoke and became enlightened. It is the same day, John Lennon was murdered.
(A clear message to Yoko Ono.)
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"THE SPIRIT: JOHN LENNON " - All Rights Reserved.
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